Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Life's Ah-Maz-Ing

_ So lately throughout these pass few days, i've finally learned how to drive. played beer pong, took my 1st drink [ no im not an addict, it was only 1 drink, 1st and maybe last or not the least bit until the future ], && basically just been living up my summer life. Hanging out with Vanida and Sara<3. Sad to say Vanida went back to FL and Sara is back in Plainville or Windsor i think, idk, but she'll be back tomorrow YAY =). Going to the movies, bowling, lots of parties [ which for the most part, im NOT a party girl and barely ever go to parties unless its a family party and im going with my parents ] and oh em gee FINALLY go-kart racing, which i've been planning for so long and things don't ever turn out as planned but this time i finally went, and gosh was it awesome. Met a guy, but we're just friends because hes beyond my age and plus i'm still talking to Sam and its been 10 months as of yesterday, gosh almost a yr. hehe

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